Dev Ops Commands
DevOPS 1. Git Commands Branch Branch is the separate flow where other people can work. When a branch is created from main or master then all the code of that point is copied to the branch. Any changes made in new branch will not affect in other branches. If the file is in the Workspace area then it will be visible to all the branches but once commit to a specific branch then only those branch can see the file no other can Git branch => to show all the branches Git branch branch-name => creates new branch Git checkout branch-name => shift to given Branch Git merge branch-name => Used to merge the given branch name with the current working branch Git stash => Used to move the current untracked code into local storage avaliblabe stash so that we can work on something else. Then later when something else is done we can take out the unsaved code from stash Git stash list => used to show all the stash avaialbes Git stash apply stash index => used to rollback...