Important Question

 Important Question

1. Kadene's Algorithm

2. Sum of largest circullar subarray (Apna college c++ 8.6)

3. Seive of Entjuaists

4.Given an integral number N. The task is to find the count of digits present in this number.number of digits in N = log10(N) +

5.Given a number N, find an integer denoting the smallest number evenly divisible by each number from 1 to n.

6.Rearrange an array so that arr[i] becomes arr[arr[i]] with O(1) extra space

7.Find Peak element in Sorted Array

8. Quick sort

9. Merge sort

10. Minimum swap to short

11. Merge two sorted array in o(1) time --> VVVVIIIMPPP

Matrix Questions:

rotation of matrix, deternminaent, spiral traversal.

search in row and column of sorted matrix(vvvvimp)(apna colllge c++ matrix practive questions)

max recatnge(vvvvimp)

12. remainder with 7 vimp

13. Check if strings are rotations of each other or not 

14. convert to roman


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